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Fall 2024 Active General Members
Anna, Agoranos
Baig, Sidrah
Bluver, Zach
Boswell, Aubrey
Brakebill, Izabella
Brugger, Peyton
Burchsted, Dan
Burns, Anthony
Calmès, Antoine
Crabtree, Isabel
Cronin, Nate
Darnell, Sophia
Twyla, Davis
De La O, Aiden
Deluna, Lexi
Dluski, Austin
Easterling, Brandon
Ellison, Michael
Fitt, Jake
Garcia, Cristian
Gaskin, Isabel
Gelfand, Elan
Ginalick, Dylan
Gleeson, Jillian
Goddard, Jack
Haayer, Alex
Hall, Grace
Hayenga, Elise
Hogan, Riley
Hummel, Andrew
Jablonski, Max
King, Austin
Klunk, Rylee
Korpitz, Michael
Martin, Steel
Marvin, Ally
Marx, Kaelyn
McAllister, Ian
McCarthy, Sarah
Mondel, Josh
Moore, Gracie
Neuberger, Grace
Nguyen, James
Nygren, Zack
Papafotopoulos, Dennis
Patterson, Samantha
Pearson, Kiani
Pool, Madison
Potter, Tori
Robson, Ethan
Ruiz, Braeden
Scheck, Tyler
Schrage, Braden
Schwuchow, Chris
Scott, Peyton
Stanley, Emily
Stanley, Grace
Stephens, Karly
Turner, Jacob
Ubben, Ethan
Weyrauch, Addy
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